{{ shop.title }}
{% include 'snippets/messages.rain' %}

{{ theme.offlineheading }}

{{ theme.offline_paragraph }}

{% if theme.redirect %}

{{ 'You will be redirected shortly.' | t }}

{{ 'Click here if you are not redirected immediately' | t }}

{% endif %}
{% if theme.contact_phone | raw %} {{ theme.contact_phone | raw }} {% endif %} {% if theme.contact_email %} {{ theme.contact_email | raw }} {% endif %}
{% if 'services/challenge' in shop.canonical %}
Prove you're not a robot by clicking the button below.
{% elseif 'account/login/' in shop.canonical %}
{% else %}
{% if theme.setting_newsletter %}
{{ 'Get updated when we go live!' | t }}:
{{ 'Get Updates!' | t }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %} {# {% include 'snippets/ajax.rain' %} #} {% if theme.social_facebook or theme.social_twitter or theme.social_google or theme.social_instagram or theme.social_pinterest or theme.social_youtube or theme.social_tumblr %}
{% if theme.redirect %} {% endif %}
{{ 'Admin? Click here to log in' | t }}